Moti Shank Original and Benefits

Original Moti Shanh / Gopuram Shankh

Moti means pearl. A conch shell that shines like a pearl. Moti Shankh is a very important Sadhana article in India because it is rare and difficult to find. It has the lustre of a pearl and is generally round in shape, although the size might differ. It is a unique gift of nature that is available to all human beings. It has been considered the symbol of the moon, in astrology, the moon is called Lakshmi, where it is a pearl conch, there can never be a shortage of wealth.

It will take a huge text to list all the benefits that can be had from this shell. But the most wonderful thing about it is that it hides in it the powers of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and riches. Every family should have this shell at home.

Ayurved – Moti Shankh Health benefits

Original Moti Shanh / Gopuram Shankh – Front Face

This shell has great significance in Ayurved. If water is stored in the shell it gains amazing medicinal properties and with it, several physical defects can be cured.

1. Store some water overnight in this shell and the next morning rub the water on your skin. This cures all skin problems.

2. Store water in the shell for 12 hours. Then rub it on white spots on the skin. Do this regularly. After some days the white spots shall disappear and healthy skin shall reappear.

3. At night fill the shell with water and in the morning add some rose water to it. Then wash your hair with the mixture. This shall keep the hair black and healthy. The hair of the eyebrows and the beard too could be turned black thus.

4. If you suffer from stomach related problems or if there is a wound in the intestines, then early in the morning drink a spoonful of water kept in the shell for 12 hours. This shall cure the problem.

5. Mix water kept in the shell for 12 hours in ordinary water and early in the morning wash your eyes with it. Doing this regularly for some time shall cure all eye related problems. The eyes become perfectly healthy and one need not even wear spectacles in the future.

Financial success – Moti Shankh

This shell is said to represent Goddess Lakshmi. Hence keeping this shell at home in one’s place of worship helps one gain the blessing of the Goddess.

1. Early in the morning take some water in the shell and pour it into a bucket of water. Bathe with this water. This shall bring you good luck and fame.

2. Placing this shell at home or in one’s shop or place of work is a sure way to remove all financial problems and become rich and prosperous. This shankh banishes poverty and boosts one’s profits in business.

Beauty Benefits of Moti Shankh

1. If after a bath in the morning the shell is rubbed gently on the skin of one’s face wrinkles slowly disappear and the face gains a new glow by regular use of this process.

2. Those who wish to remain ever beautiful and have a unique radiance reflecting from their features should surely try this process.

3.If the shell is rubbed gently on the whole body the body starts to appear healthy, handsome and radiant.

4. If you have dark circles under your eyes which are marring your facial beauty, rub the shell gently on those spots early in the morning. This is a sure way of making the spots disappear.

Worship of Moti Shankh

Original Moti Shanh / Gopuram Shankh – Back Face

1.Moti shankh is considered Vishnu and Dakshinavarti shankh Lakshmi nature. Similarly, the pearl shell is considered a symbol of good luck to Goddess Lakshmi, and also It is used for moon accomplishment. Early in the morning on a Wednesday or every day have a bath and wear fresh clothes. Place the shell before yourself in the pooja room and start do poojas which similar to Lakshmi Pooja.

2.Home discord to destroy and to increase the positive energy in water it deserves a copper filling up in the northeast side of the house, negative energy is removed from the house and positive energy flows in the house.

3.Fill the pearl shell with rice and tie it with white cloth and keep it in the vault of the house, then the vault is never empty, four times the amount of money starts coming.

4.Keeping the pearl shell on Monday in the evening on white cloth in the temple of the house increases wealth.

Where to buy the Moti Shankh

Moti Shankh shells can be obtained from anywhere, but only take the perfect pearl shell. It will be fully beneficial. Siddha seekers of Astro Mantra have prepared moti shankh by proving you can also get it online at your home.

Vendhan Seashell Rameswaram , They are providing Natural and 100% Original seashells to the customers. You can buy the moti Shank directly from the website by clicking this link and for more original seashells related products please visit our website .

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